

时间:2010-12-5 17:23:32  作者:配饰焦点   来源:走秀回顾  查看:  评论:0
内容摘要:金利源|公宅小大仄层,打破束缚,简杂洁粹!责编:小乙 时分:2023-10-20 热度:41807


责编:小乙 时分:2023-10-20 热度:41807 戴要:有序的层打粹挨算、翔实的破束选材、极简的缚简空气,配开构筑糊心的金利典礼感。





—— 阿兰·德波顿。金利



Orderly layout, exquisite material selection, minimalist atmosphere, together to create a sense of ritual life.。



From the point of view of space temperament, each home also has its uniqueness, designers through the space of material, modeling, atmosphere, lighting, lines and other elements to interpret, so that it fits with the host's lifestyle, as time changes, people and space to reach a state of spiritual resonance, over time, through physical contact, create spiritual healing, which is probably the charm of design.。



Based on the open layout and architectural thinking, the interlacing interface of the volumes brings multi-dimensional spatial levels.。



Deep and shallow, the universe has its own opposition; the real, the dark, the movement. They all follow the two forces of illusion operation, continuous interaction, sympathetic. With a few strokes, the rich layers of space are sketched out, creating endless changes that call for reflection on the material and desires of everyday life.。



The comfortable atmosphere of living at home grows slowly, delicate quality of life also accomplished this square mood highland.。



Natural light becomes the medium that connects all spaces. Following the light, a continuous reading space introduces the grid matrix aesthetics, different materials interface and back design, in the overall interface to create the interactive space of all parts.。



Keep as much glass as possible and“Borrow” the view to let the room flow with the depth of the tree scene and the light and shadow under the different illumination every day. It creates multiple aesthetic feelings which are independent of the appearance, and also activates the various life styles contained in the public space itself.。



Every inch of exquisite design details awaken the subtle feelings of the residents' lives, so that each family member can find the most comfortable emotional world in it.。






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